The channel brings a brilliant historical drama for the audience
though Pakistani dramas are creative with commendable story lines, the
fact is the audience likes to watch serials presented by different
countries. This is why when Pakistani dramas couldn't work their magic a
decade ago, Indian channels grew in strength. And let’s not even forget
all the years we spent following a senseless soap opera like Bold and the Beautiful!
The main reason people want to watch shows from different countries is
because each nation has their own sets of tradition and these serials
possess the power to transport people into a completely different world.
Hence, we weren’t surprised when the trend of Turkish dramas took
Pakistan by a storm after Urdu1 initially introduced the concept in 2012
with Ishq-e-Mamnu.
Seeing a number of viewers
Turkish dramas with Urdu dubbing roped in, more shows were launched by
channels including the likes of Mera Sultan and Fatima Gul. If you couldn’t get enough of those serials, you are in luck as Urdu 1 has now aired the periodic drama Kösem Sultan.
The show is based on the life of the only powerful woman who managed to
rule the Ottoman empire alone. The serial also stars the fan-favorite, Ishq-e-Mamnu actress, Beren Saat.
the trailers of Kösem Sultan were enough to leave us enthralled and the
serial itself turned out to be better than what we expected. Here’s a
bit of history on Kösem Sultan before we move on to the drama.
The lady that ruled the Ottoman empire
The serial that has everyone hooked
If the history of Kösem Sultan left you impressed, you can’t
begin to imagine the impact the serial will have on you. The first
episode opened up with an introduction of Sultan Ahmed as a child, the
tragedies he saw while his father ruled, and the compassion he developed
despite being a royal. The attention to the set design and aesthetics
is spotted from the first shot as we get to see luxurious castles and
beautiful fields.
Here’s how the plot builds up in the
first episode. Ahmed is the son of a ruthless and cruel king who killed
his brothers the minute he attained the throne. Ahmed and his brother,
on the other hand, grew close and promise each other they will never
follow the footsteps of their father. However, young Ahmed could never
have predicted that his father will get his brother murdered after a few
The devastated Ahmed could do nothing but dream
of a normal life away from the castle and the politics of the royal.
Unfortunately, there’s a twist in the plot when Ahmed’s father dies and
the throne is entrusted upon him.
Unwilling to rule and go forth with the cruel decisions
the past kings had made, Ahmed is pressurized by his family to suppress
his compassion. Being the sensitive soul he is, Ahmed refuses to be
manipulated by his mother and grandmother and begins to take decisions
from his heart. The first move was to grant life to his adolescent
brother, Prince Mustafa.
This leaves his family and advisers baffled, but Ahmed is bent on ruling
the land with peace rather than spreading fear.
Believe it or not, his character is one you will fall in
love with immediately. No wonder so many ladies are tuning into the
serial every day, they just can’t get enough of Ahmed. The story from
here builds on to the introduction of Kosem Sultan, a lady who is sent
to be the consort of the King. How Kosem Sultan comes into power is a
journey we have to wait for.
The serial set in Istanbul is about power, royalty, war,
and relationships. A must watch for anyone who wants to experience
cinematic brilliance with a good storyline, impeccable acting, and
mind-blowing costumes. Tune into Urdu1 to watch the brilliant serial
every day at 9 pm from Monday to Friday!
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