Yaman is a young guy who lives in a poor neighborhood in Istanbul with his mother, his brother and his step father. Actually Yaman is a good guy who has a potential to be successful in school life if a chance is given to him. However, he finds himself in wrong place at the wrong time. His troublesome elder brother causes another problem but this time, he drags Yaman into trouble too. While they are trying to steal a car, they are arrested by the police. In court, Yaman and his brother are defended by a successful lawyer Selim. Selim immediately realizes Yaman’s potential and strongly believes that this young guy can become successful if he is given a chance. For this reason, Selim tries his best to save both Yaman and his brother. Since Yaman is teenager who is involved in a crime for the first time, he is released by court decision. However, his brother is sentenced for one year in prison. After this event, Yaman finds himself at the edge of a new life. He is kicked off from house by his step-father and he has nowhere to go. Watch Now
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